Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Earthquake at the headquarters

With a few drinks in the body I said “the World is moving”, all my friends started to laugh and assure me that was enough party for me already. Think I slept for a minute or two next to one of my friends when suddenly I became a sort of fortune-teller, the world was really moving.
Without being completely awake I heard someone saying that all the movement was because of an earthquake. The next thing I remembered is a hand graving my right arm and taking me out of the house. I hugged Diego, the one that pull me out, in the middle of the yard until the earthquake stopped.
The mental pictures of that night that I got is a little tsunami in my swimming pool, my friends all nervous trying to call to their houses, my mother looking for the camping gas-lamps and my dog very frightened.
Being with all my beloved friends the night of February 27 is something I’m going to be grateful forever and think is going to be a good story to tell to the grandkids, isn’t it Jorge, Adolfo?
Love you guys and I hope you still be fans of Nadia’s House, our party's headquarters.

 I don't have photos of that meeting but in this picture the five to the right were in my house the erthquake's night. Javiera, Adolfo, me, Nicolás and Jorge (right to left). Carolina, Fabián y Diego are missing.
(The picture was taken this summer at Nicolás's birthday party.)


  1. Swimpool tsunamis were AMAZING. To see everything moving and falling and breaking AND A WET FLOOR--- it added that little extra drama that made everything so much more exciting (in a very, VERY guilty way).

  2. Hey Nadie, we missed you in class this week! Now tell us the truth, was Adolfo drunk or sober? Or you couldn't tell the difference?

  3. think I'm not the one that should answer that question. Is shameful but maybe it wasn't so few the drinks I mentioned. xD

  4. ahahahaha
    Adolfo wasn't drunk... but i don't believe him...

    Nadia, i imagine myself talking about this to my grandkids... and i think that my image like a serious grandpa will die xD

  5. I think it was drunk jajajaja but I can't be sure beacause I wasn't there u.u.
